Personal concierge

Discover the luxury of having a personal concierge at your complete disposal, always ready to respond to your every need.

Our service is available online 24/7, offering you personalized assistance that makes your every desire a reality.

Whether you’re planning a dream trip, an exclusive stay, or a special event, our dedicated team is here to help you.


Let us guide you in planning your movements with maximum convenience.

We offer a wide range of services to ensure that every journey is perfect.

Booking of commercial flights and private jets

Whether you’re planning a romantic getaway or a business trip, we can arrange tailor-made flights for you, with airport assistance to make your arrival and departure as seamless as possible.

Car rental without a driver and supercars

To explore your destination in style, we have a wide fleet of vehicles available, from luxury cars to supercars, to meet all your mobility needs.

High-speed train reservations

Travel quickly and comfortably between cities without worrying about logistics.

We handle every detail, from tickets to the best seats.

Private boats and yachts

For an exclusive experience on the water, we can arrange boat and yacht rentals, offering unforgettable experiences on the waves.


personal concierge

Make your stay unique and unforgettable with our carefully curated lodging options.

Booking of luxury hotels, boutique hotels, and exclusive villas

Whether you prefer a five-star hotel or a private villa, we have access to a selection of exclusive properties that will fulfill all your wishes.

Assistance in choosing starred restaurants and local “trattorie

Our concierge will not only book a table for you but will also recommend the best restaurants, from Michelin-starred establishments to local favorites, for an authentic culinary experience.


Our personal concierge organize extraordinary events with our expert assistance.

Table reservations at restaurants and discos

Make a great impression with exclusive reservations at the most renowned venues, where you can enjoy unforgettable evenings with friends and colleagues.

Ticket purchases for concerts, theater performances, and sporting events

Never miss an important event! If communicated in advance, we can guarantee access to concerts, theaters, and various matches.

Organization of private parties and corporate events

From planning to execution, our team takes care of every detail to make your event memorable.

Additional personal concierce services

personal concierge 24/7

We offer a wide range of additional services to meet all your needs.

Booking of golf courses and wellness centers

For those seeking relaxation or adventure, we can arrange exclusive access to prestigious golf courses and high-class wellness centers.

Organization of sports and adventure activities

Whether it’s extreme sports or simple excursions, our concierge is ready to plan tailored activities for you and your group.

Babysitting and pet sitting services

Don’t worry about your children or pets during your commitments.

We provide reliable and professional babysitting and pet sitting services.

Personal chef, catering, and cooking classes

Want to experience a unique culinary adventure? We can provide a personal chef for a private dinner, arrange catering services, or even offer cooking classes to help you learn to prepare delicious dishes.



We are ready to meet every requirement with professionalism and attention to detail.

With our personal concierge service, every moment of your life will be marked by luxury and convenience.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to discover how we can make every desire a reality.